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Re: how to lower blood pressure???
ParaZapper Views: 1,904
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 914,620

Re: how to lower blood pressure???

Several of the messages posted have some of the right ideas.

#1 Fish oil. It has scientifically been tested and has shown that it does lower bp in the long run. Fresh wild salmon is the best if you eat fish, followed by sardines.

#2 Exercise on a daily basis. Walk one mile fast enough to increase your heart rate by 50 percent. (check with your doctor first). Also chin ups give the upper body a boost.

#3 Eliminate sugars as much as possible.

#4 Vegetables will reduce bp while meats and dairy tend to increase it. The extra fiber will reduce cholesterol.

#5 You will definitely see bp reduction by taking potassium and magnesium chloride. This will reduce the amount of water in the body. Iodine is also important. Paint the soles of the feet at bedtime, it is the safest way to take it.

#6 Cleansing and flushing often help by improviing the overall function of the body.

#7 Get the data from a recent blood test and look at your markers such as triglycreides, homocysteine, etc. They can give an indication of possible problems.

Good luck!


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