one more thing....
P>S. how can you tell if your blood pressure is up? I mean, I know there aren't supposed to be any real symptoms of this, and yet I have friends who know when this is happening, for instance, they get chest and head pressure, or pressure in their I know there ARE "symptoms" if you're in tune with your body, does anyone else here get definate symptoms when their BP rises? I don't have a BP monitor at home, and right now, I can't get one either, and when I go to the doc.'s office, it is usually somewhat high, I'm so darn nervous there, you know "white coat syndrome" - I hate going to the Wal Mart BP monitor because it totally cuts off any blood circulation to the rest of my body for pete sake! it's much to tight, and actually HURTS! So, on one hand I want to keep tabs on my BP, and on the other hand, if I go to the docs, it's always up, because I"m nervous, so I never really know for sure what the heck it is!
Latley I've been noticing this strange sort of annoying "pain", but not really pain - more like a weird tight feeling down the back of my esophagos when I swallow, down my back, on the left side, it's not really up in my throat, it's more like in the esophagus, as the food or whatever goes down, and i feel it on my back - like when you swallow a BIG pill, and it's hard to go down, and you get that feeling in your back (which must really be your esophagus) as if it's stuck, or pressing against it as it goes down? yeah, does anyoe know what that is?
thank you all..