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What do you do when you've done everything?
  Views: 5,134
Published: 17 y

What do you do when you've done everything?

Well obviously it is an internal imbalance that is producing my skin problems. I have had some dermatologists diagnose this as pustular dermatitis and others, acne. I guess the terms are ultimately synonymous because dermatitis is just an inflammation of the skin that contains pustular eruptions.

I have been desparately trying to clear my skin for about 10 years. Someone please explain to me why this skin infection rages on despite all of my efforts.

What I am doing:

Fresh, raw (80%), organic fruits and vegetable diet
protein from hemp, spirulina, and chlorella.
probiotics (BioK- half a bottle a day)
liver flushed- every two weeks
colon cleanse- once a month
omega3 oils- hemp oil
omega3/6 balance- I balance with evening primrose oil
no dairy

I know people tend to think that dairy avoidance is the cure for Acne on here, but that obviously isn't so. I think that it is vital and may work for some people but I have been dairy free for ages and it hasn't done a thing for my skin.

I have gone all through candida cleansing protocols- avoidance diets, threelac supplements, oregano oil/grapefruit seed extract doses, etc

I use all natural (no paraben, no SLS or other chemicals)products- Aubrey organics and Dr. Bronners soaps.

Other nutrients that I take on a semi-regular basis:

wheat grass
barley grass
fulvic minerals
kombucha tea

I have done countless liver flushes, and colon cleanses. I have fasted and juiced. I have done the master cleanse. I have done all of these things, yet my skin infection continues just the same.

I have been to a naturopathic/holistic dermatologist and many naturopathic doctors. I tried all of their strict vitamin/nutrient regimens but they never produced any result.

Do you think there are some people that never will get rid of their skin problems?


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