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It's not common, but I've heard of it..
Hugo Views: 10,183
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 913,553

It's not common, but I've heard of it..

If you had a positive culture, you do have the virus. There is no "cure".

Within the types, there are a number of strains that have slightly different characteristics. For instance, there is a TK resistant Strain that doesn't respond to the standard antiviral drugs. I think that there are some that result in different antibodies being produced. The usual HerpeSelect IgG and IgM tests look for only a few antibodies.

I'd strongly suggest that you consider the Western Blot test for herpes. It looks for a broader range of herpes specific antibodies. It's available, although a lot of doctors are not aware of it. The university of Washington has been offering it for over 10 years that I'm aware of. It's considered the gold standard of blood tests. There is some good testing information links at
Particularly look at the University of Washington link.

Another good source of general information about herpes is at the Westover Heights Clinic at

Good luck with your testing. Let us know what you find out.



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