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Re: Dr Jeff - some of your allowed foods.
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Re: Dr Jeff - some of your allowed foods.

Hi, thanks for sharing your experience. I believe personally that my problems are not as much yeast as something else allowing yeast to overgorw.

At one stage I was able to get improvements simply by knocking off sugar, honey, and gluten grains. I was still able to consume some fruit and non gluten grain (even some milk). These days I cannot do a thing! Since an infection I got in 2003, I have been badly knocked around and have never recovered. To this day, if I try and exercise, I develop full blown viral symptoms. Sore throat, fever, fatigue, coughing and very ill. Can take me a long time to improve again. The most I can do is flat gentle walking for limited periods of time. I am still ill regardless and have never gone back to how I once was.

So I feel that my problems with candida are attributed more to the underlining condition. your comments on systemic toxicity made all the sense to me. Though without doing the diet at all, I was very toxic. It's a bit like a catch 22 situation. I could not sweat either and trying to made me very ill. So diet for me was something I did (but I was still having a bit of grain and fruit) that I felt aided me to detox easier. Though I see your point as yeast die they release toxins also.

However, though I had die off symptoms, I coped better with that than the overgrowth itself. I understand that it is preferable of course to apply both elimination and diet at once so that the die off back lash maybe avoided or at least much lessened. I admit I did not do this.

Anyway, do appreciate your side on this. Certainly I can say that when I used an antifungal it made me incredibly sick for many months following it (even after I stopped it). I obviously totally overwhelmed my system with a huge toxic release and certainly was not prepared for it. Diet alone was much gentler and tolerable than an antifungal.



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