Re: Dr Jeff - some of your allowed foods.
When you have systemic toxicity, you have tissues, organs, and detoxification pathways that are overburdened with toxins. Killing a candida in the body will only add to the toxic overload and further burden the systems. This results in excess mucous and increased inflammation. Those two responses will interfere with elimination of candida. It's best to increase detxification during candida elimination, not add to it. For many years, people thought that a die-off reaction was a good sign. In reality, it's a sign that an overburdened body is being further overburdened.
Almost all candida diets are based on a diet created in the late 1950's that was pretty ineffective for eliminating candida. The substances that people were taking to eliminate candida, were primarily adding to the toxic load. If these people attempted to stop the diet, they immediately had their symptoms again. This was because the food elimination didn't allow for the candida to feed and grow. At the same time, they weren't being given anything that effectively eliminated the candida systemically. all that they were doing was surpressing the candida. people weren't allowed to eat fruit, because this would feed the candida. As long as you Take the Candida Force on the Plan, you can have the fruit. You can't have fruit juice, as this is a concentrated fruit sugar. If you're doing a candida diet and your symptoms flare up, that can be a sign that you're not eliminating candida, only surpressing it.
White rice is a carbohydrate. Brown rice is protein and crabohydrate. It has always worked on the LifeForce Plan.