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Dr Jeff - some of your allowed foods.
Reb32 Views: 2,431
Published: 17 y

Dr Jeff - some of your allowed foods.

Hi Dr Jeff, I am on a candida plan now that is very strict. It allows NO grains at all (not even brown rice), nor any fruit, no nuts, no seeds/legumes and no high carb vegetables like potatoes, carrots, corn, beans, peas etc, no dairy (apart from butter).

The plan is basically eggs, meat, chicken, liver, low carb vegetables, water, herb tea and healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, organic virgin coconut oil, fish oil (mercury free) etc and tomatoes and lemons are allowed.

I am confused by the contradictions in so many different candida diet plans and am interested in your reasons for allowing fruit and brown rice...

My candida symptoms flare if I eat any fruit or grain, no matter how healthy it maybe I cannot seem to consume them. Potatoes for me are a disaster.

I would like to know what you think about plain sugar free acidophilus yoghurt? Your diet plan also mentions no dairy but just interested in your feelings on the "good" yogurt.

I also saw on your website that you mentioned that unless someone is going to sweat, they should not do the diet. I do not understand this, because before I did the diet i was so ill I could not sweat properly at all. Everything felt blocked. Any attempt would make me worse. Once I did the diet and got through the die off, i found my body functions started to normalise more and I was able to sweat easier. Doing the diet seemed to help other things improve for me and detoxing became a bit easier...If I had not done the diet, I hate to imagine!

Sorry for the questions and apparent criticisms... I am more curious than anything because I note so many people have their own methods.


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