Ive seen multiple doctors, lost count but its somewhere near 12, and 3 specialists including a rheumatologist. had x-rays, cat scans, bone scans etc. nothing was abnormal. It may be hard to understand but living In Cairns, Australia makes it extremley hard to source healthfood products that may be common In places like the UK or USA, ofcourse Ive tried.(In the process of getting a credit card so i can order humaworm)My financial situation makes it increasingly difficult sience Ive just spent about $3000 on medical expenses, also when taking into account that i cannot work in my current state. When ever i even mention parasites to the doctors they look at me like im &%#$ing stupid, there isnt even a pathology in my city that is facilitated to deal with parasite detection.
thanks for the advice on the heart strengthening, by the way im 20 years old.