Changing this title - for a reason
I've been an admirer of many CureZone posters since I came to this site.
I mean, although I haven't yet read Owen's site (I will soon), anyone who does kites, AND encourages people the way Owen does, is a treasure!
Perhaps MOST visitors to the CureZone are attracted to certain posters, the way I am.
I find myself searching for the thoughts of Daisy4, and Lapis, now Unyquity, and several others. I feel I am making friends with these people, considering their suggestions, following their thought processes and seeing how my own are affected by them.
Maybe it isn't just the CureZone concept and development that keeps readers returning here. Maybe it's the posters, themselves.
I'd like to add one more thought to this discussion...
...Without the individual seekers after health sense, who write, a bulletin board is nothing. And, what we are seeing here on the CureZone is the development of such seekers as WRITERS.
There is an aspect of writing, I think, that isn't obvious, at first. Sticking your opinion out there, and maybe taking flack for it, smarts!
But, something else develops in the writer, right alongside of the tough skin we grow... Passion!
We writers really love the subjects we choose...and our readers...and other sincere posters.
Our posts shine.
That's an attribute no advertiser can hope to attain. (Thank goodness!)
So, my theory is that all advertisers, and those with unfortunate agendas, will HAVE TO become sincere, in order to reach their best sales figures. Only full disclosure and responsibility can win. Period!
The question then becomes...can we posters hold our own against unfairness and derision?
We certainly have power in our sincerity. It's a beacon.
[[ I changed the title of this post to see if that drives more people to click on it; or fewer. It could be that viewers respond to titles, or even to the author's name...expecting the same old same old. - f. ]]