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Re: The greatest con on earth.
  Views: 2,139
Published: 19 y
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Re: The greatest con on earth.

That's a well-considered opinion, Trapper, and probably very true for a large percent of the population.

I've seen first-hand that the 'retirement' homes are full of 70 year olds. Amen to that!

I've also particularly noticed that someone designed a certain type of so-called 'music' and marketed it so well that the general populace forgot the best-loved 'popular' music. Now we get a 'style change' every few years, to boost profits.

Still, there are hold-outs. Those who remember are still too numerous, and have too much money, for the industry to ignore.

Another phenomenon happens in young girls. Those who were once giggly, and thoughtless, return to the lullabies and careful feeding of their own childhoods, to raise their babies. Some like knitting and the old crafts. And many home-school.

We're learning. Some of us are learning.

Like I say, I'm an oddball, and very old-fashioned. I've always had friendships way outside my age group.

I also keep finding new things to do that interest people of many ages. Lots of them make a little money. There's nothing like the prospect of a little extra cash to garner interest.

I like the Santa Claus Effect (also known as the Will Rogers Effect). That twinkle in the corner of the eye, and the droll witticism that solves all problems instantly, with a laugh, and a return to goodwill.

Plus, we seniors have a powerful influence on the young. They are so curious. We can often change their minds just by being interesting, and different. (I hope.)

As for the old-timers in my family, I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve. And I smile a lot.


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