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Let be what is
Ayehasherayeh Views: 2,220
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 91,092

Let be what is

"""But CureZone is the place for all questions, is it not? What leads you to believe that Kevin's questions are inappropriate? Do you believe that he is a plant, posting fantastical questions to provoke argument? Or that he is offensive...?"""

""""He seems to me like an abandoned, depressed and consequently very angry young man simply looking for help.""""

Good points in both respects. I have questioned whether some posters intents are sincere as I have seen some provacateurs before. I feel the only thing we can do is answer how we each see fit which is how we are doing.

If you see a need to "Help him" then do so
If you see some one as fantastical or a provacateur then do otherwise.
We have all "felt" things to be certain and later found that it was such a difficult thing when we judged another's intent. Maybe best to ask deep inside before responding and stick to the received response without attaching all of the judgement and gueswork even the logic of how it is viewed.

I have my view on this particular issue and I stick to it without very much deference to others views or needing to announce them. If I am stimulated by anothers inquiry I make my own and may adjust my perception. We all have eyes to see to varying degrees so we can act only on what we see..... so let be what is....or simply "let it be.."



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