Re: Anyone else have die-off doing diet alone?
Hi Kir :)
It seems as if we have similar symptoms then!
I have been annoyed with getting die-off from just the diet, but at least it means we are doing something right. 4 years ago I thought I was doing the right thing to get rid of this candida by sticking to the diet, but I was misinformed by wrong doctors and "experts" about the proper diet and did not experience any die-off. I have even tried Nystatin, but not while on the real candida diet (which I now know is, of course, the only useful way to do it), and so I did not feel any change. However, now we would probably both of us have major die-off from it. Maybe you should wait a little with the antifungals..? At least until you feel better, because they might cause you to feel really bad, and all those toxins will be very hard on your liver. You could perhaps start with a milder and natural antifungal (like coconut oil) where you can easier regulate the dose, and start with a VERY low dose and see how that goes.
Have you tried these Nutratabs? I will definately check it out. At the moment I take antioxidants to help get rid of the toxins, and plenty of vitamins, and water. You can check out Jhan's blog with a lot of great tips (thank you, Jhan!) about how to deal with die-off, and it gives you an understanding of the signals the body sends when something is lacking; for instance, the joint pains that can mean the body is lacking magnesium and vitamin B.
Loosing weight is definatey a nice side effect from this :) Without carbohydrates I keep loosing too, though I actually hope it will stop soon!
Good luck, and keep healing!
- Nausicaa