Re: Michael Moore's S.I.C.K.O Documentary Not permitted to Air in local moviehouses: Freedom of Speech?--HA!
I'm going at 7 p.m. tonight. It's playing at an independent theatre near me. But I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is a bastion for liberal hippy kooks (me included).
Michael Moore is certainly flawed in his documentaries...however, who is going to say what he says, and draw such a large viewing audience? They are entertaining, but they make you think. I remember the premiere of Farenheit 9/11 and the sheer excitement in the theatre. You could literally feel the hopeful glee that this movie would keep Bush from being elected. I heard many 20 year old's in the audience say they were definitely going to vote this year. And indeed, Bush was defeated resoundingly in California....but California is not the rest of the country, and the San Francisco Bay Area is not the rest of California.....
I'm so thankful I live here. Just about anything goes. It's not perfect, but it's as close to the perfect mix of ethnic and sexual diversity, creativity and intellectualism - a utopia for those that are different, and think differently.
I have to drive less than 5 minutes to get to one of the showings of this movie.