--Nitrogen and Iron content of plants--
Hi Grz,
As I mentioned in one of the other posts that in Nature our Creator has Designed things to try to Balance out problems in an effort to protect Plants and Animals and Humans from total Destruction !
It was from a friend of mine who worked in a Major Lab years ago, where he did many Tests of Plants and Tissue etc for the Different Elements and Minerals and ratios to each other in an effort to find answers as to "WHY" Sickness and Diseases were so and what Caused it to be so !
It was found out that as I mentioned, that when a plant took in excess Nitrogen, that the Iron content would also be Elevated and the Reason seemed to be an effort by the plant to try to Balance out the problems , which would come about because of too much Free Nitrogen in the Plant, which would Cause the Plant to self Destruct, if the Extra Iron was not present !
As usual not everything may be as it may first seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.