Re: Whole grains fight hardening of the arteries
QUALITY whole grains are great and only if they are used properly.
Good whole wheat must be "broken down" to be useable. Either acted upon by yeast or sprouted. Otherwise, it's difficult to digest. (Not so for wheat germ apparently. It is tender enough.)
All quick breads/cakes/cookies are highly indigestible because of the above reasons.
I recently found out that the organically grown wheat I thought was so good, was actually flash heat treated. When that happens, it locks up the minerals and they become unavailable to the body. That was the whole purpose of stone grinding -- to keep the wheat undamaged until it was acted upon by the yeast. I have an old wheat grinder that does keep the wheat cool, but most have been designed to grind faster and ruin it. Apparently this information is not well known.
They've been doing the flash heat treatment to oats for a long time. I cannot find raw oat groats. This means you are not getting full nutrition nor can you digest these grains as well.
It's not that grains are bad, it's what is being done to them!!!