Coloscopy today
I just did a coloscopy earlier today and the surgeon said my lower bowel looks like it´s in excellent shape (although long and not very straight he said?). He found it difficult to get to the last third of the colon so gave up on about lazy doctor. He really wondered why I was there at all since my colon looked so good.... Afterwards I overheard them talking about me being to stubborn about doing an x-ray on the last part of the colon.. Another surgeon I know talks about his patients all the time, think many are hypocondriacs except in severe cases. I drank four liters of a mixture of natriumchloride and some other things that are common before coloscopy and it really cleaned me out, I have a hard time getting the bowels moving normally because it´s still so blocked.
I was hoping that perhaps one of the larger
parasites would be seen during the coloscopi but nothing showed up exept I saw lots of flukes during the drinking of the laxatives which is at least something good. Also I was given intravenous drugs during the procedure, which seemed to calm down the sinus
parasites (which gives me chronic migraines) the whole day afterwards it was an amazing feeling to go the whole day without headache at all.
I am thinking of trying to get some type of camera up the sinuses for the blocked sinuses or perhaps an ultrasound but not sure if either one will show
parasites in sinuses. Has anyone here heard of someone getting an examination like that. I know I have read about the camera procedure on the net where they found parasites in the sinuses before but seems only rare cases that have luck with finding them like that?