Re: does anyone know where i can find research on the MC?
Fasting as you can see, has been around for a gazillion years.
The thing about
The Master Cleanser , is that it is actually a
modified juice cleanse, based on a formula which was popularized
by Burroughs, but is based on successes in Europe for decades.
Burroughs had decades of success healing his patients and certainly,
in the archives here, there are years of success stories.
There are plenty of folks here too who have done many cleanses,
and long ones, and have done nothing but improve their health.
This is my 3rd month long cleanse in 3 years. I have done some
shorter ones in between and I can do nothing but recommend them
for anyone seriously looking to improve their life and lifestyle.
"Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor."--Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C.
"Life is slow suicide. Nine humans in ten are suicides."--Ben Franklin, American statesperson, scientist, inventor & writer
"Very few people know what real health is, because most are occupied with killing themselves slowly."--Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Hungarian-born American biochemist, Nobel Prize for discoveries relating to biological combustion, first to isolate vitamin C
"Fasting is, without any doubt, the most effective biological method of treatment. It is the 'operation without surgery'. It is a cure involving exudation, reattunement, redirection, loosening up and purified relaxation. While fasting, the patient improves her or his physical health and gains much. But he or she will have neglected the most important thing if the hunger for spiritual nourishment that manifests itself during fasting is not satisfied." Otto Buchinger, Sr., M.D., Germany's self-described "fasting therapist"
"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness." --Hippocrates, M.D., 460?-370? B.C., Father of Western Medicine
"Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside." Albert Schweitzer, M.D., 1875-1965, Alsatian medical missionary, theologian and musician
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." --Thomas Edison, 1847-1931, America's greatest inventive mind (incandescent lamp, phonograph, microphone, et. al.)
"Fasting is by far the most effective method for purifying the blood, organs, and all bodily tissues, and in this age of pervasive pollution it is more important than ever in warding off premature degeneration of the body due to toxicity. In laboratory tests on rats and other animals, periodic fasting has proven to extend average life spans by up to 50 per cent." -- Jos-hua Medicine Man - HPS Online -- a proactive health care website at this URL:
"In a fast we can observe the body gleefully going about getting rid of the toxins and wastes accumulated for years with the greatest capability and intelligence, all of its own." Dr. William Esser
"Nothing is more gratifying, no work more inspiring, than actually to witness complete recovery during comparitively short periods of fasting in diseases such as chronic eczma, urticaria of years standing, variscose ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers, asthma, arthritis, colitis, amoebic dysentery, endocarditis, sinusitis, bronchitis, neuritis, Bright's disease, acute and chronic appendicitis, tic douloureux, fistula, psoriasis, all kinds of digestive disorders---urinary and bilary calculi, pellagra, glaucoma, lump on the breast, epithelioma, mirraine, acidosis, pupura, hemorrhagica, epilepsy, parlysis agitans, Reynaud's disease."---George Weger, M.D
There are limitless links on fasting online.
There are not as many on Master Cleansing but
my only thought is that those with the files
did not put them online as at the time Burrough's
had his practice, the internet was not a reality.
Also, late in the game, one of his patients who
did have pre-existing problems did die and perhaps
that also had an effect. Anyone having a serious
pre-existing condition would do well to fast ONLY
with supervision.
best wishes,