suggestion on blog rollbacks?
I think it would be great, if you would consider to rollback everyone,
at the beginning of every month.
that stops potentials of long term cheat pumps,
gives every blogger a better chance to be read, esp new bloggers as well,
that otherwise might never make it even to top 100 group.
BEST: a even better idea: is to completely do away with number system,
and viewer hits, and just let the blogs scroll randomly changing like the image
pages do currently.
then EVERYONE gets an equal playing field and is read (or not) by content.
I can think of countless times I have opened a blog, not liked the material
presented, but I still helped that person get viewer hits..
This in unavoidable currently , because you obviously have to read some to get a feel
for the blog.
I also have seen it in reverse,
a new blogger is getting good info , great reading , keeping current messages,
yet not many really know they are there.
Please sincerely consider either of these options as an ongoing thing.
Ami Joi Benton