False Hope + Lies = DQ
I agree you look fat, clumsy and slow but its more of a porcine quality. Loose some weight and your opinion of yourself will change. I am sorry you find facts and logical arguments annoying, for a man who sells lies they must be terribly annoying to you.
You must be1 severely brain damaged, you play with facts invent truths and still get nowhere. You give us a series of laughable posts, arguments made by ignoring basic reasoning and committing nearly every logical error. They may go unnoticed by your target audience, for those of us schooled in science and critical thinking you come out like a joke. Constantly committing basic mistakes I wouldn't tolerate from a 5th grader.
Almost in every case the material of Moss can be categorized as O Ps like his Lancet article “Complementary and alternative medicine”, or the one from American Nurse “ Privileging essential to APN autonomy.” The rest of his papers are found in soft journals and CAM propaganda magazines like Integrative Cancer Therapies - as an aside I believe their inclusion into ISI is a mistake and reflects political/marketing decision not a scientific one. ICT has greatly improved since its inception but needs more improvement to be considered a reputable publication.
I am not here to bathe in adulation by telling people what they want to hear. I do not need my ego stroked, like a pathetic loser – though it does seem to be important to you. I am here to provide tested and reliable information, to debunk hucksters and scammers like you and to help all those who look toward verifiable facts for their information. You, a pitiful shell of a person need the votes for validation of your self-worth.
You offer false hope, though for desperate people any hope will do. I am explaining the harsh realities of the universe. Naturally your shtick is more appealing, but it remains false. I believe a harsh truth is always far better than a comforting lie, so I will continue to oppose you every time you offer up a comforting lie.
Modern medicine does not force you their protocols on you. You are free to go home without medical intervention, or follow the advice or a quack. Perhaps some psychic surgery, energy healing, or the hundreds of other fakery that is part of Altenative Medicine. This quackery offends me because it takes away from real and effective Alt Med options. There are some real cures and effective treatments out there but your support and marketing of quack cures you make all of the suspect.
Most people don't leave modern medicine because it has failed them, the go to CAM for philosophical and emotional reasons. Again, it that old reptilian brain that drives it. I offer my services, I offer real alternatives base on evidence (like the parent thread that started this) and anyone worthy of respect will get it... i.e. Not you!
The Millions of cancer patients now alive, their families and friends would disagree with you that modern medicine has failed them. The mortality rate for all cancers continues to decline thanks to scientific and medical advances. No amount of your huffing and puffing can change that fact.
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