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How many did mainstream medicine harm - or needlessly condemn to die?
Dquixote1217 Views: 4,022
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 893,204

How many did mainstream medicine harm - or needlessly condemn to die?

And how many did it condemn to death by failing to correct the underlying conditions? Or cause to die later with treatments such as chemo and radiation that left the door open to the cancer's return and the appearance of other cancers and diseases? Or cause harm with highly touted medicines like Tamoxifen whose side effects include increased risk of other cancers, depression, etc.?

About all modern medicine has done is eliminate the symptom and buy time to enable some patients to build up their immune systems and correct the underlying conditions on their own, often at the expense of needless removal of one of more of their breasts and/or horrid side effects and long term damage.

The rest it has sent home to die. The internet is full of Support Forums for Breast Cancer victims and other cancer victims who have been told, and fully believe, there is no hope by their sacred mainstream oncologists. And so they close their minds to hope and they slowly die, having been told nothing about diet, nutrition and natural alternatives that could save their lives - or else told to stay away from them.

Much is the pity and much is the shame!


P.S. Since you asked, my source was Doctor Ralph Moss


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