Yes, and staying away from mainstream medicine
Diet and exercise are certainly keys to surviving all kinds of cancers. So is removal and avoidance of toxins, addressing imbalances such as
Iodine deficiency and alkalinity levels, and supplementing to build and maintain a healthy immune system.
No cancer or other serious illness comes into the body uninvited. A weakened immune system,
Iodine deficiency, liver impairment, etc. must first be present. Here are other common characteristics of individuals who contract cancer, heart disease and diabetes:
# Always have high toxins
# Always have pathogens, especially in the “gut” and they have a seriously “leaky gut”
# Lack healthy normal flora
# Pour nutrient uptake (digestion) Very low in vitamins and minerals, especially the anti oxidant vitamins.
# Always have low oxygen to the tissues
# Always have acidic pH of body
# Seriously lack antioxidants, especially fat soluable antioxidants
Addressing those problems, using diet, lifestyle and natural supplements, is the key to beating and surviving cancer and other serious illnesses.
And I will add one more: stay the hell away from mainstream medicine, which cures virtually nothing, only treats symptoms and weakens the body with harsh chemo and radiation, leaving it more susceptible for the return of cancer and the introduction of other cancers and serious illnesses.
A telling fact about mainstream treatment: at the two year mark after diagnosis survivability rates for those who did not opt for mainstream treatment increases each year and decreases each year for those who did.
Live long, live healthy, live happy!