UZ and spasms - question.
I've already asked madscientist (guy with the big guns - rife and scope) this question. I'd like to see what answers come back from anyone here.
When using the UZ (barbaric as this model is) I am experiencing uncontrollable spasming/thrashing about (visible and painful) in certain locations of my body. My question involves whether this could be simple muscle spasm which anyone might also experience with or without the trigger being an actual
parasite (or the plural) in that particular spot or region.
Most intense trashing (which puts it mildly - it chokes me) occurs when I place a handhold on each side of my neck/throat. Because such copious and conspicuous microbial material (eggs and larvae) will expel from my throat all day, every day, it is difficult to not imagine that it's nems causing this thrashing.
Has anyone experienced this type of response to close contact with any specific body part, organ, tissue, etc. with any other zapper? Is it possible that it could be something other than what would appear to be the obvious? (Just muscle constriction in general - does this occur when placed near the throat on those who do NOT deal with the issues I do?)
Could it be the
Lugols (higher concentration thyroid)?
It happens in other locations. I'm all but certain that a lump on my finger (which appeared ONLY after anti-helmetic pharmals and herbals) is also a very "stuck"
parasite - not certain whether it is fluke or roundworm as both appear in blood samples. The left handhold, when in hand, will also send intense vibration, electrical shock in this specific knuckle, and to a lesser degree another.
Is "spasming" an indication of the existence of a
parasite in a particular spot?
Secondly, would anyone want to discourage such use of the aparatus - I've read various contradictive statements regarding placing anything close to the face, ears, etc. Has this application caused injury or damage to anyone - can it cause injury or damage?
I'm inclined to focus on this method until the spasming ceases to occur. I do not want to do so if it is counterindicated/harmful.