flax and cucumber not to be fickle with
Hello, last night I thought of telling something as I was tasting it.
And this morning, the effects are stronger...
flax seed has been said to be one of those things among immense many that mustn't be eaten raw {straight} if hypothyroid, but at the same time those tiny seeds have been required soft anyway for best absorption according to some analyzing --
So, I have done various soaks
(since ferments change it well)
But, this one deserves reporting I think.
1. Some flax seed with covering coconut juice until swollen to level i.e. no more liquid under the lid, probably a day to three depending. [I hadn't intentended so low amounts but that's what made the rest of this recipe]
2. Cucumbers that are juicy squeezy, enjoy center scrape as snack and snap halves of skin with flesh on top of flax seed.
3. Small bowl was used by me initially for the short supply of oily purpose,
Therefore don't pack unless you have deep dish because mine spilled over as each cucumber was practically watery.
there was a beautiful green grey water to drink and then the other succulence, might want to share last parts though my child doesn't believe how good it is. saved. Looking over my shoulder about this, she's grabbing her spoon as I speak!
For me, mouth, body felt calm, toes and ankles are checkmarks of next day happiness if anybody wishes for no edema with these ingredients. It does, or did this once and I should do a repeat.
Now, I don't know if step one were skipped and one just went to doing all softening between cucumbers and flax if it would work
I hope it's worth your look however,