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Re: Liver Flush frequency.
Cyane Views: 1,595
Published: 18 y
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Re: Liver Flush frequency.

Hey PC

Well, I already know about the healing crisis. The last flush I did, I got sick probably because the day after I ate some things I shouldn't have, but the last 2 flushes I did get stones out (about 30-40 stones each of the last 2 flushes). I would've tried a 3rd time, but even using the Olive-Oil with other ingredients to diminish the taste, it still doesn't help so I'll be using Macadamia Nut Oil in it's place, which I'm sure is MUCH better taste wise.

I also thought about using intestinal absorbing agents like Chlorella (which I'm already using all the time) or P&B Shakes the day after the flush? I'd figure that might be enough to absorb most toxins so they don't get re-absorbed into the body and avoid the healing crisis altogether. Anyway, once my new Oil comes in I'll do an Oxypowder + parasite cleanse make sure my Colon is clean for the Flush.

Any other advice, tips or suggestions, please do let me know.



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