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Re: Liver Flush and BM frequency.
Cyane Views: 1,501
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 891,497

Re: Liver Flush and BM frequency.

I don't know what it is, I don't have any signs that I'm allergic to any foods, I chew my food long enough and I'm not eating in a stresful atmosphere. I'm semi-vegetarian, so the only foods I eat that are in the Meat / Alternatives food group is chicken and fish (the chicken is always extra lean and the fish is usually fillets or sushi) as well as fruits and veggies (not everyday, but often enough). But from what I've heard, a healthy amount of BMs per day is at least 3 or more. Anyone that can suggest things I should do to increase it to 2-3 per day, permanently would be great.



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