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Re: Very worry and scare
  Views: 11,852
Published: 21 y
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Re: Very worry and scare

As I was reading your post and the responses, I am assuming that this was not performed on your wife? Therefore "If" you have herpes you have just given it to an innocent person who trusted you. Now you both have it. Have you by chance told your wife about this? Cheating alone can be devestating to the other spouse, but learning that your partner has given you an STD because they were unfaithful adds salt to the sore! My 2 cents is your not only fearful of having an STD but also having to tell your wife that you were unfaithful. The reason I have a soap box on this issue is that my sister has herpes. And yet she has knownly given it to at least 5 men that I am aware of, some of them married. My best advice is to go back to this woman and ask or have her get tested for herpes. 1. Stay faithful, 2. There are always consequenses (sp?) to sin.


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