I assume by your name and profile that you're female. Is it near or close to your bra band? I get this occasionally if I sleep in a bra and lay on my left side, or if I have random pressure on my ribcage below my armpit. It sorta feels like a weird spasm-y, flitty feeling. Sometimes like a pulse, sometimes like a muscle twitch.
I've experienced a similar sensation with my sciatic nerve once or twice so I looked at one of my anatomy books to see if there were any nerves that could be getting pinched in that area... there are a few nerves there so I always just assumed it was a twitch brought on by too much pressure, or maybe a vein being constricted although it's not always pulse-like. I'm probably wrong, lol, but I'm gonna assume it's harmless, at least in my case. If you're worried, head to a professional, but I really wouldn't sweat it unless it's causing you pain or numbness.