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Re: Too many juices. (edited by kathryn)

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kathryn101 Views: 2,324
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Re: Too many juices. (edited by kathryn)

I'm sure he did say why...but I can't recall at the moment...I'll look it up when
I plop down this evening if I don't forget.

He does say...and so does Norman Walker...and others...that vegetable juices are
healing and fruit juices are cleansing. And we get more benefit from EATING raw
fruits than from juicing them...because we get the fiber. Also fruit juices are
fairly high in natural sugar...and when you juice a fruit that Sugar is
concentrated and 'they' say getting that much sugar...even natural our cells so fast...kind of counteracts the benefits.

According to Malkamus and Walker and some of the other oldies that we can really
rely on...when we juice veggies...those nutrients are into our cells within about
15 - 20 minutes or less.

If you want to really learn about juicing and it's benefits...I highly recommend
"God's Way To Ultimate Health" George --- or
any of the books by N.W. Walker...Paul Bragg is good too...but I prefer Walker over
Bragg. You can get any of these books on ebay...usually...for nearly nothing and
they're worth their weight in gold. So full of priceless information. And so
simply written that anyone can understand exactly what they're saying.

The Walker books are all fairly small paperback books...that will fit in most
purses...the "God's Way" book is fairly large and fairly thick...sells new for about
$18 on Hallelujah Acres website...but you'd be hard pressed to find a better book
on natural healing and juicing, etc. Hallelujah Acres even has a free bi-monthly
magagzine that they will send you if you go to their website and request it. It's
full of tons of info on juicing and healing with foods...also lots of testimonials
from people that have healed everything from Fibromyalgia to terminal cancer to
heart disease. I buy back issues for $1 each the box full..just to have on hand
to give away...they're that informative.

My favorite N.W. Walker books are:
Diet And Salad (not a recipe book...but it tells what each veggie does for our bodies...has juice combinations and what they're good for...and lists ailments and
tells what the best juices for that ailment are)

Fresh Vegetable And Fruit Juice (not a recipe book...but goes into great detail
about how healing foods are...and which foods are best...he says in this book
that 1 pint of carrot juice daily has more constructive body value than 25 pounds
of calcium tablets. I'll tell you this...I'm 60...and both of my younger sisters...
in their 50's have early osteoporosis...and I have no signs of it.)

Vibrant Health..just a priceless book...lots of info on colon, liver, adrenal glands...and how to take care of your body. (I need to REALLY devour that book AGAIN!!!) :-)

Hope some of this helps! kathryn

(edited to add the following)
I forgot to mention...there are MANY juicing books out there...but the newer ones
don't even come close to comparing to the ones I mentioned. Even the Juiceman...
I'm sure you've seen his infomercial...but his book doesn't hold a candle to the
ones I mentioned.


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