Re: fecal body odor
You eat foods full of sugar, fat, food additives, and grains. These foods contribute to Candida and a host of other problems (weight problems, diabetes, skin aliments, constapation, etc...)Your colon is probably full of partially digested foods and impacted waste! Do you practice cleansing? What type of wellness do you practice?
Your problems are with your diet, the lack of cleansing out the years of build-up, and your lack of understanding why.
We are so drug oriented in this country, everyone wants instant gradification and results. We won't watch TV without a remote, we use a microwave because cooking is too long and bothersome. Drive through foods are more popular then healthy meals prepared at home.....why? because it's fast, easy, no thought, little to no effort! This way of thinking has brought new problems and issues into or society than ever before. Take a pill it's easier, who cares if it's only a band-aid and it doesn't address or cure the real problem, no one wants to put the time and effort into natural solutions unless the results are quick! If the results aren't quick, the program or products must not work!
When someone lives an unhealthy lifestyle year after year.... bad diet, lack of exercise and taking medication, what type of damage to you think can take place? Now how long do you think it will take to fix the problem? .....It's not going to be quick, and there is not magic bullet to instantly relieve your misery. There is no drug that will properly balance your body and cure you of your issues. There maybe something that will ease your suffering (band-aids) but only time and consistancy along with your diet and lifestyle will accomplish true health and balance.
If you think that you eat healthy, maybe you should consider going to a nutitionist or an ND. You need to understand the direct link between your diet and your health issues. I don't think that you fully understand the impact of what you are doing to contribute to the problems that you are having. You are not eating healthy now and if this is the "cleaned up" version of your diet I can honestly say that your body has been suffering with toxins, waste and an off balance PH. You are eating foods that are acidic. The akaline foods such as greens, fruits are best. Fats, oils, dairy, meats, fired foods....are all acidic and are not good for the body. Your body cannot be healthy if it is not properly balanced.
It's no wonder you are constipated....I have customers that write to me and tell me that they eat "good" and they don't understand why they aren't getting the better results out of the cleanses they expected. When I ask them to give me diet details, they are similar to yours....full of foods that contribute to a variety of health conditons that include weight problems and colon disorders. Again they are looking for the instant cure with little to no effort on thier part.
I have already suggested that you see a doctor and have every test run that is possible. Once this is done and if there is nothing wrong with you, then please consider my recommendations. Cleanse, change your diet and omit the possible foods that are contributing to your condition. If you are gassy with dairy don't you think this is a sign that you shouldn't be eating it? Imagine how it's contrubuting to the odor problems that you have.
I strongly suspect that you have Candida overgrowth, and a toxic colon all brought on by diet and lack of practicing wellness.
I hope that this information will help you to understand what I believe to be your root issues. Go see a doctor and then see a ND or integrative doctor who will look at natural remedies as well as prescription. You don't seem to be having any luck with the laxative suggestions as I suspected.
Read the other forums here that contribute to the issues you have, ask them the same questions and see what they have to say. The more you educate yourself on the possible causes and the possible cures,the closer you come to getting your health back.
I wish you all the best on your path to wellness.