Hey Pooman,
I just wanted to express my sympathy for your situation. Actually I suffered intially from the same situation beginning in January, 2006. I noticed that it began to manifest itself in a matter of two weeks! I went from smelling like nothing, like most people, to beginning to notice a musty-type of odor that preceeded another odor that was comparable to rotting meat or sewage. I also noticed that it seemed to be exacerbated by stress responses and sugary, carby, highly processed foods, rarely natural foods.
Well now, two years later, it's about 95% gone, but from what Ask Kelley was sharing with you, she does speak alot of sense. I understand how irritating, frustrating, and emotionally and psychologically debilitating it is. Most people don't understand the incredible impact something like this can have on your life in almost every area. It's imperative that you really listen and pay attention to your body's responses to foods and the types of foods and drinks that you consume.
In my opinion, I believe that this condition is largely contributed to several things, one being constipation from eating horrible foods and not leading an active life. I also believe that stress can actually set the wheels in motion for this to occur. When our bodies are pre-occupied with the 'fight or flight' response of stressful situations, our body's digestive process is temporarily suspended until the stress subsides so that proper digestion is continued. Couple that with bad eating habits, excessive drinking, excessive and repeated antibiotic usage can all add toxins to the body that some of us are not equipped to handle.
I know how embarrassing this is, trust me! I've been in public many times, even by force because I was commuting from home to work and back, on top of that was in an extremely stressful relationship, drank much, eat horribly, and stopped exercising. Well from all the negative stimulants of everyday life, fecal body odor began to develop and develop rapidly. At first I didn't realize that it was me until I began smelling a funny musty/moldy odor coming from my body when the stress I experienced was beginning to subside. I was actually starting to enjoy life again! However, thereafter it developed in a matter of a week into a funny food odor that would manifest the day after I would eat something. For example, I remember the first comment that was made about me 2 cublicles away at work. Someone had mentioned that I smelled like seasoned grilled meat, but she said it quietly and with confusion to another co-worker. Well that's exactly what I had the day before. I thought it was weird but ignored it. Then I had Chinese later that night and the next day people could literally smell that coming from my body. It seemed like all this eventually accumulated quickly and thought there was a blockage in my digestive system because after 'tolerable' food smells, it became a rotting meat, fecal, rotten egg type of smell that would appear especially when I was angry or upset. I was shocked. I was also casually smoking at the time and the moment I inhaled cigarette smoke, the odor was so strong, you would have thought I literally shit my pants right there in my jeans. I stopped smoking. I had mixed drinks in social settings, not even a few seconds later, that same odor would manifest itself again and then I noticed it with other unnatural and toxics substances. Granted even at that time, natural foods would give me the same reaction so you can imagine I was scared, confused and my confidence was rapidly spiraling downward. I went to see my doctor, he thought it was Leaky Gut Syndrome so he prescriped OTC Magnesium Citrite, it worked for 2 days, then it came back. Then I went to see 2 gastroenterologists and one performed an endoscopy and thought I had Acid Reflux Disease and was smelling 'that smell' that no one believed I had and he said that it was halitosis created by a back up of digestive secretions from my intestines. I knew immediately it wasn't true, but decided to try anything anyway. Well goes without saying it didn't work. I had cleansings done by Naturopathic Practitioner and the colon cleansings helped much. Like the mag. cit (which is a laxative) they all produced the same affect in my body, bringing all the water to my colon and flushing it out, however this was temporary as well. She told me my issue was an over-growth of candida. I didn't believe her and thought what you did, that fecal matter was being deposited into my blood stream. This is not so, as Ask Kelly and even my Gastro explained to me, we'd be in serious medical trouble if that were so. My ND told me that it was imperative that I change my diet, control my stresses and start supplementing with probiotics to help digest the food I consumed and take a whole vitamin. I even suffered from severe halitosis that was fecal in odor as well! It was horrible! I lost so much of my confidence, I mean all kinds of things were running through my head. I guess it didn't help that my mother who's very superstitious thought it was a demonic attack or an occultic thing (lol), but taking anti-depressant medicine I hope is only temporary. I've been eating as natural as possible and drinking water, taking 2 teaspoons of super greens in a glass of water daily, a whole food vitamin, and probiotic for digestion. THIS WORKS. It cuts down significantly on the odor, but I haven't found a 100% effective solution. I do believe that there is a specific cause and have found on the internet that silver amalgam, or tooth fillings, are problematic as well. Apparently it is noted that it hinders our digestive tracts from properly breaking down sulphuric compounds and pushing it though the lining of the intestines and ultimately being released through our skin and lungs, or breath. So, I've elected to have them taken out. In the mean time, make no exceptions! If you are tempted to eat something unhealthy while you're trying to detoxify your body, you'll only cause your body to react. The reason why this is happening is because your body is literally fighting you and telling you sternly to stop giving it harmful food and drink. So the only way our body copes is by releasing toxics to make room for more.
I noticed too that besides bad consumption, stress, and the like, heat seems to cause my body to release this odor. I've been all over the internet looking for answers, and all that I can come up with is what I notice and how my body responds. I've read every post on this website and have found that there are many who have my exact same symptoms, most of which can attest to stress-induced situations. I suggest you really keep up the good work, eat well, natural, raw, drink water, stay away from beer, white breads, pastas, pizzas, and anything really sweet, cakes, cookies, basicly, all the 'good' stuff. It's hard, but hey, would you rather smell like $%^# all day every day or give it up to smell like the cologne you want to wear instead? I'm still looking for more info myself, and trying to really get to the root of the problem. I know what triggers it, but I also know that there is an actual cause because of it's quick onset. I've never experienced such a drastic change in my body in a matter of 2 WEEKS! Take care, hope this helps.