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Re: Shortness of breath - what could cause it?
cora Views: 12,070
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 881,101

Re: Shortness of breath - what could cause it?

Really sorry to hear all this. It's good you have a doctor who is willing and able to see beyond your symptoms and attempt to really help you.

I recently purchases a nebulizer and am beginning to love it. I've used Catechu, the big three (wormwood, Black-Walnut , clove), oregano oil so far. Hoping to find a good substance to mix with Iodine (Lugols) for this purpose also (NOT advising this yet - just considering it on my end, with caution) Too soon to give a full report, but something you might want to consider looking into as a means to get some of the naturals directly into the cells lining the lungs, trachea, esophagus, sinuses, etc. (I bought the "kit" which included a mask - sinuses in mind.)

Several parasite species involve the lungs. My condition in this regard is rather dramatic - because of this I can really empathize. Do you cough much? Can you discern what causes you to have trouble gaining weight (no appetite or good appetite, but poor absorption, eg.)? How tall are you? 110lbs is very thin for a male of any height. This is concerning. It all is.

Do you have people to "help" you beyond your doctor? (I was helpless at my worst, could not live on my own for a couple months, but was never bedridden - total restlessness in my case, never ever tired. WEAK - yes. Sleepy - no.)

I'm hoping you will continue to post here, and help us understand more about what you might be dealing with. I'm very concerned over your post.



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