Hi Plzchuckle...
Hi Plzchuckle:
Thanks for your concern and for offering your help. I appreciate your time and advice.
#1. dental metals? I have never had any cavities and thus, no metal at all in my mouth.
#2. colon cleansing? My colon cleansing has always been part of a "deep tissue cleanse" that I have done with various colon cleansing herbs alternating with Psyllium and bentonite shakes.
#3. kidney cleansing? No, I have never done kidney cleansing. I have tried to focus on colon and liver because that is what always what I read about in relation to skin health. My urine is usually light yellow. I try to drink about 80 oz of water a day (some days I miss that mark).
#4. parasite cleansing? I did a black walnut tincture program from a naturopath that lasted about a month.
#5. liver cleansing? I still get stones, but I always get about 10- 15 stones per flush. I have never noticed any chaff, etc. Yes, I have taken a lot of liver detoxifying and rebuilding herbs- milk thisle, dandelion, etc...
#6. lung cleansing? No, I have not done any lung cleansing. Once again, I always felt like I would be straying from the problem (liver, bowels).
#7. lymph cleansing ... Yes, I do rebounding.
#8. heavy metal cleansing? I went for a full EDTA chelation session with a naturopath. One of my test showed aluminum, but all of my metals are normal now.
#9. candida cleanse? oh Yes...although, I never have really felt like I have gotten anywhere with it. Maybe I didn't have any, maybe I did (do). Controlling candida is such an inexact science that it gets so tiring after a while.
#10 full body cleansing? I have done some lemon juice fasting but only for 10 days. I lost almost 20 pounds in those 10 days so I had to stop.
Current supplements:
Garden of Life digestive enzymes
hemp seed oil
evening primrose oil