Re: help my hands feet swell
raebear...The purple and cold feet...sounds like poor circulation. The puffy hands
and feet is fluid retention. Try to walk 2 or 3 times a day...even if just for 10
minutes each time. When you're sitting...'wiggle' your feet...or raise your legs
up and down.
Try 1 tsp apple cider vinegar in a big glass of least 3 or 4 times a day...that will get you some potassium and magnesium and other nutrients. If you
can stand it...add some sorghum mollasses...doesn't taste that great...but it is
loaded with B vitamins...and essential nutrients.
Getting the natural potassium...should help the fluid retention...and just getting
moving should help your circulation. And the apple cider will help
Another good thing for fluid retention is just eating 1 or 2 cucumbers each day...
of course, you need to cut back on your salt. High
Sugar intake and also dairy...
causes fluid retention. Any of these things should make a big difference.
Good luck...kathryn