Re: A different focus point
i agree about what you said about thinking about something that you already experienced that way one's imagination doesn't have to work in over drive to try and conjure something that is not there
if our imaginations worked THAT well, then we would not be in the many problems that we have due to our emotions anyhow
so that was a good observation that you made there
and i just tried it and it worked
i was thinking about these toys that i had when i was a kid
i was probably around 4 years old and i don't remember who my friends were so anyways
i made friends with the toys that i had
some of them were Fisher Price toys and had these things where you could move the sides and these paper pictures of bears and honey jars and other animals would move around through the plastic glass screen and my job was to fit the half part of the screen with the other half ( they had two places. right and left) and then the animal would become WHOLE thanks to my skills
well, i was just thinking about that and it made me happy and also about slides because i loved playing in the jungle gyms, doing cartwheels, swings etc
the swings made me dizzy though
but anyhow in general things were happy and i didn't have even one thousandth of the problems in my head that i'm trying to sweep away right now because they are a nuisance
so i tried that visualization and it worked with other things and moments as well
and i think i'll just keep doing that even if it is just ONE mental image
if it makes me happy, i'll just use it over and over again
i don't care
as long as it works
and it does