I think you may have already read my description of what my iris looked like when I started doing iodine. I posted under the user #48124. I just wasn't sure what I was seeing. I'm hoping it was just showing me detoxing the bad halogens. A few iridologists thought it sounded like Iodine poisoning and my liver just cleaned out the remaining toxins after I stopped using Lugols. (refreshed 48124)
Subject: Re: There are a lot of foods that vegeatrians eat that...
Username: #48124
Date: 4/10/2007 11:02:09 AM ( 32 days ago )
Hits: message viewed 101 times
Hey good to see you here talking about iridology. I did just the opposite, I went from having grayish eyes as a child to having bright blue eyes as an adult. Thank goodness. I did want to chat with someone who may have a clue...I started taking Iodine over a month ago and I started getting murky looking eyes...then later it became acid eye (yellow overcast, making my eyes look greener) and then all the acids flushed out and now they are blue again. Does that sound like a detox to you? I only know the basics of reading the iris. 48124 EDIT: I would like to add that the (yellow overcast was actually more of a beige/yellow overcast) to be more exact.