Anyone see the connection...relaxation/tension?
It's only mentioned in the video a couple of times...the client relaxes, the therapist's arms have some tension, in that their arms are moving.
Is that part of the 'how'?
I've had some small experiences like this, and they make me think it is true...and that one CAN do it for oneself.
I mean, viewing the video seems to be a 'treatment' in itself.
Generally, I find that the individual tends to focus on particular ailments that trouble them today. CureZone is a good illustration of that...all the different forums.
But, if we simply see ourselves as somewhat limited 'envelopes' of energy...and that it is our 'intentions' that may go to the outer limits of the universe (as one researcher suggests), it kind of changes our view to the 'bigger picture', don't you think?
I'm trying to get my mind around the concept that our 'intentions' are NOT particularly our thoughts, but actually the things we DO, day by day. ...The things we pay attention to, notice, even just subconsciously.
If I notice CHOCOLATE, for example, even without buying or eating some, chocolate, and all it means to me and my body, becomes part of my 'intention' field of reference, so to speak.
'Memories', too...especially those I have not completely dealt with. (Dealing with them is actually a very simple process that doesn't require in depth soul-searching. Ask me sometime...I've done it.)
Perhaps there is a broad mental 'statement' that the therapist quietly thinks, to free the energy from personality and limitations when helping others.
"The energy is always the same," says the video. And, that it is our immune systems that enable us to live...even with 'blockages'.
Even in the most ill person, the immune system must be functioning a little, else they would be dead.
'Blockages', large or small, must be a function of the individual's focus. And we must be hanging on to them for a reason. We must be getting something from blockages or we would let them go, I think.
Maybe that's why it is good to have someone else remind us/reconnect us/treat us, because the therapist doesn't carry the same blockages that keep us 'stuck'.
Relaxation and imagination are our friends, I believe.
Just theorizing.
My best,