Researched this a little... [Edited]
There are at least two reps in the U.S., but it isn't clear what is their association with the originator. Also, they charge, not a heck of a lot by today's standards, while the originator appears not to charge for his sessions, perhaps just for locals. He may charge students...I don't know.
I Googled the gentleman's name, Zdenko Domancic, found the hit that was titled 'Manager...', and clicked on 'Translate this page'.
His webpage is in the Croatian [Italian?] language. 'Translate' gets you that, translated to German, and re-translated to English.
It is somewhat slow-going to understand but the basics are there for those who have the patience and some word skills.
Some things I believe the site was saying...
...He seems to have two assistants, as well as his family working with him.
...One assistant appears to take 'appointments' for him, by telephone.
...His 'sessions' take place in one large room in a building he has erected on his property [?], and he also sees clients at the Hotel Larix, which is linked but that only gives hotel information, not schedules. (Schedules may be in the website material I tried to understand in Croatian or Italian.)
...The implication is made on the site, that one cannot do this procedure for oneself...only for others, but the individual benefits in that the energy flows through them.
...Still, one gentleman in the video mentions that after seeing the procedure done, remembering it recalls the same energy. All through the video one SEES the procedure done. Grin! (There are other implications that the client may do this, or prevent problems, for themselves.)
...There is one mention in the video that the recipient must relax, while the therapist's arms have a degree of tension.
...Sessions are ten or fifteen minutes, and seem to be repeated each day for four days. The results of at least one telephone session are reported in the film.
My curiosity was piqued by those offering the service at various places in the world. I wondered if they were only 'clones' of the original.
I also wondered, watching the video, why the actual 'method' is withheld. I was waiting for the 'book offer' or the 'training sessions for professionals'. [It may be that the 'method' is much simpler than we see in various other modalities.]
I didn't see 'special offers' (marketing) on the Croatian [or Italian] website. Although they may be there. I just didn't see them.
The California website, which is barely into its schedule, said there are 'two levels', but have only offered 'Level I' to date. Likely we will hear more from them.
Even the video is made by different organizations, although they seem to have had full access to the gentleman himself.
All in all, since the video does actually freely show the work being done, I feel the viewer can gather most of the procedure from that alone.
His description of the principles seems to say that we may not need to think about the 'how' of it...just that we are energy beings with auras that need to be whole.
I found it very interesting in the video to hear one person say that ones 'aura' can be measured up to only thirty/forty feet away...therefore, it is 'intention' that is influencing further away...perhaps to the end of the universe.
It was also pointed out that it isn't the therapist that is influencing the recipient(s). It is the energy, itself, flowing through the intention of a living being.
Can there be any limit to the good this can do?
I certainly wouldn't want to try even the tiniest negative thought, would you? Who knows what might happen?
Instead, I prefer to make my intentions as open-minded and respectful of everyone's connection to the universe, as possible. While, at the same time, inviting them to come to the happiest conclusions, in their own way.
You see, I truly believe that all of us go to complete contentment, fulfillment, and peace, in the end...whatever it takes. There IS nothing else.
Contrasts exist only in our own limited views, the way I see it.