Re: Face is one giant oozing sore
Plasticat...I am so glad I bopped on in the middle of the day. I'm usually only on
very early in the morning...but had a really busy day I didn't want to
take the chance of getting 'sidetracked' I just didn't come near my computer. :-)
ANYWAY...a storm has moved it gave me a few minutes to see what's going on
on curezone...and I'm so glad I found your post.
I have followed a program for years...called the Hallelujah Acres program. We don't
do the diet consistently...we only follow it now and then. But I've studied it extensively...and I have yet to recommend it to anyone...that it did not turn their
situation around..."IF" they followed it to the letter. Now, it's strict...but you
have a situation that warrants it...and I absolutely believe it will heal your body...inside and out.
Their website is
and they have a free magazine they will mail you
if you'll find their phone number on there and call them. You can also read testimonials, etc online....
A supplement of this or of that...will not help your have a deep
seated problem...that is going to need deep seated intervention. But I really believe the Hallelujah Acres diet will turn you around. Any the only supplement you
may need is Barley Max...which is filled with chlorophyll and is soooooooo healing.
Someone mentioned doesn't sound like Lupus...or any other skin condition
I've heard of...but you may just have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than the average amount of toxins in your body.
I really hope you will check out this website thoroughly...and even call them.
They're in Shelby, N.C....and have one week health resorts in 4 or 5 places in
the U.S. where they will work with you one on one....This WILL work...hang in there...