Well...I don't know how much physical and emotional anguish a human being can take but I must be near the breakiing point. I really feel as though I am beginning to lose my mind. I have tried for 10 years to heal my symptoms.
I've had to quit my job and move back in with my parents. I do not even go out in public any more- there is no way that I can. I look like I have flesh eating bacteria all over my face.
I'm not sure exactly what I have. Been to 18 doctors and professional healers over the past years (this is a literal number- I have kept count). Numerous naturopaths, dermatologists, herbalists, accupuncturists, wholistic dermatologist, etc.
They have all given me a slew of supplements, routines, etc which have never produced any type of result whatsoever. Each one has basically given up on me and conceded that there is nothing within their knowledge that can seemingly help me.
I don't even leave my parents house any more. I know that is pathetic but I cannot bear the pain of being in public.
My symptoms are as follows:
Horribly red, inflamed, peeling, flaking, scaling skin over 100% of my body but worst on shoulders, arms, legs, back, and the worst on my face. Skin is extremely dry all over my body regardless of weather or humidity. My face is simulataneous white with dead skin but practically dripping with oil. Dead, flaking skin at the surface but an over abundance of oil coming up through the pores.
Severe seborrhea- crusty yellowish oozing sores that cover my face.
Pustular breakouts- acne/pustular dermatitis all over my face.
My hair terribly dry, thin, wispy, brittle. It falls out more by the day.
My scalp is absolutely covered in large scabby seborrheic sores that ooze pus.
Because of all this my face is riddled with scars now. I am permanently disfigured.
What I've done. Please, try not recommend something I have already focused on. If I listed every treatment, cleanse, and supplement that I have done, the forum probably wouldn't be able to contain it. This is just the obvious list.
1.) omega 3 6 9 balance. supplementing with various oil- fish, evening primrose, hemp seed oil
2.) comprehensive yeast elimination program. yeast deit, antifungals, etc
3.) raw food diet- live, raw organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, plenty of fresh pure water
4.) Organ cleansing and flushing. Yes, I've done tons of liver flushing
5.) fasting
6.) hundreds and hundreds of supplements. Supplements don't work for me.
7.) iodine- believe it or not,
Iodine is not a cure-all.
I don't know how much longer I can bear this absolute torment. What kind of life is this???
Everybody I know has a great career, married, etc. Their lives are well. Me? I can't even go out in public.
I can't even get near people because I look like a freak of nature and NOTHING I have ever tried has ever even begun to help me.
I hope and pray that someone reading this will know what is causing my problems. I desprately hope that this isn't some genetic problem but I feel that it most likely is because nothing has even made a dent in my symptoms.
This is a terrible weight upon me. The tremendous desparation I feel is like a weight that I literally feel crushing my body.
At some point I am not going to be able to take it any more. There is only so much a human being can endure.