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Re: Vitamin C from China?

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Karlin Views: 4,403
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 854,319

Re: Vitamin C from China?

This is an excellant issue to discuss and reasearch, with all the problems we are having with Chinese exports.

About Vit C, I googled it and found that yes indeed, the Chinese are supplying VIT C at such low prices that nobody else can compete, and so almost every Vit C maker is getting the raw materials or finished products from China.

Link -

"China's dominance of the vitamin C market was confirmed last week as DSM halted all production of the bulk vitamin in the US, making its Dalry plant in Scotland the only remaining major plant outside of Asia.
"Four Chinese producers now supply the majority of the global demand for this vitamin, selling at prices well below the numbers that are feasible for DSM and the other remaining European vitamin maker, BASF."
- end quote -

Here is a place to check out your particular brands of Vit C [I think] -

quote: "The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database gives you information on far more natural medicine brand name products and ingredients than any other source."
- but you have to register.

I am using Jamieson Vit C "citrus juice", and am now desperately trying to find out of they import from China. I won't trust it if it is so. Thanks for the heads up!!

I read warnings 10 years ago to be carefull with Chinese products - that warning was about mercury and lead invarious ceramics [coffee cups, etc.] and so on, high levels of those heavy metals are in their products because there is just so much pollution from coal burners and so on in China, mercury is everywhere and where it collects - clay, ceramics, etc. there will be dngerous levels of it.

And when did you last see a coffee mug that was NOT produced in China? - read the labels.



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