Bromids and Loss of Identity
Frequently we read in the daily papers about people who have wandered away from home and lost all recollection of their identity, their home and former occupation. Some of these patients recover, others remain permanently affected.
The majority of these cases are caused by bromids, coal tar poisons or other brain paralyzing drugs. The only possibility of cure in such cases lies in thorough, systematic natural treatment.
Elimination of Drug in Healing Crises:
1. Kidneys (mainly). Increased urination.
2. Salivary glands, mucoid accumulations in the mouth.
3. Mucous membranes, acute catarrhal elimination.
4. Skin in form of brom-acne, so familiar in drugged epileptics--in turn treated with arsenic.
5. Abnormal perspiration, nose bleed, diarrhea.