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Re: Another Question for Humaworm
Seektruth Views: 2,966
Published: 18 y
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Re: Another Question for Humaworm

Thank you so much for your response. I was having serious doubts about that next step and I appreciate your straightforward answer. I also enjoyed reading your link to your post on the scattering issue. That was very logical, informative, and fits with what I have been thinking.

I can seriously understand people freaking out to think they have worms. One night I was reading through the posts and the more I read the more I was itching and feeling weird tweaks all over my body. I am sure it was a psychosomatic response, and I finally had to quit reading for awhile. It really did give me a chuckle.

I'll guess what I'll do is keep the Colon Cleansing going whilst I get your product ordered and get it here. Another question: There is just me and my DH here; from what I have read I am surmising that it would be well for both of us to do it. My problem: While I am totally immersed in alternative health care, he only has his little toe in. I'm not sure he will be amenable to a parasite cleanse. Will it matter terribly if he balks?



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