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Re: A Question for Fledgling and Humaworm
fledgling Views: 2,639
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 864,486

Re: A Question for Fledgling and Humaworm

Dear GG,

I understand where you are. Good for you for your courage in revamping your diet and healthcare procedures! (Wish I could boast the same!)

As far as projecting what will happen with our parasite situation, no matter what we do or don't do in our choices, I've come to the conclusion that all of us will have Trouble of one kind or another, as our immune systems weaken.

I think your bowel cleanse is a jolly good place to start 'serious' cleansing. Everything in our bodies is linked to everything else, I dominoes. Pull the plug on one, the rest tumble.

I really like your thinking on doing the Humaworm cleanse next. You are one smart cookie! You've understood R.G.'s thinking.

My own thoughts have been stimulated mightily by the video, 'Think About It'.

There might be something there for you, too.

Next, I'm pondering a salt bath, as discussed in the Salt forum...and clay, maybe as a foot bath, as a quicker way of 'detoxing'.

Isn't it great to become wiser and more confident as the years go by?!

Boosts my happiness, no end!

My dh is 82, a peach, and as active as he was 20+ years ago, when I met him. Just a few days ago he joined in planting a huge organic garden on the same property we are moving to. The future is bright and beautiful!

My best,



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