Click on "Illness" link - top of the screen, then choose "Acne" link ...
About diet.
Science say is not relevant for you.
What is most important for you is what your body can tell!
You don't need science. Your body can tell you everything you need to know about diet.
To learn how to listen to your body:
Avoid foods containing: Sugar, Vinegar, Alcohol,
Antibiotics ,
preservatives , Artificial colorings, MSG, Aspartame, Pork, Foods with a lot of fat, chocolate, corn syrup, milk products, nuts, ...
Eat: fish (cooked and raw), vegetable(cooked and raw), fruit(mainly raw), unrefined salt, unrefined olive oil, unrefined flaxseed oil, rice, ...
All foods you eat should be unprocessed! (industrially processed foods are NO-NO) , and at least 50% of all you eat could be raw, ... if the climate where you live is not too cold ...
(Learn about cave man diet!)
Avoid eggs for few weeks...
Minimize or avoid wheat products for few weeks (bread, pasta, nudles, pizza)
After 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks of this diet your body will tell you if
Acne have anything to do with diet.
If this diet improves health of your skin, it means that in your case, diet have a lot to do with Acne!
You should also learn about: "Dental cleanup", "
parasites cleanse", "kidney cleanse", "liver cleanse", "home cleanup" ...
Acne are just a symptom of poor function of GI tract, liver, kidneys, allergies & food intolerance, nutritional deficiency, and often a symptom of intoxication ...
Read and learn ...