Re: pepe: maybe there are some clues in these references?
Pretty good stuff that I never knew.
I am working toward eating vegan but I like to eat raw meat.
I'm one of those muscular outdoor types that is into the rough
and tumble. When I eat raw bloody meat I feel animal like and I
wouldn't recommend putting your finger in my mouth :)
I marinade the meat overnight and then just go wild with it.
I've eaten five
pounds of it in a day easily.
It's like a drug for me when I eat it and it makes me feel alive.
especially when camping. A friend and I would go camping and just dangle the
meat over the fire to warm it and then it was down the hatch.
we were both so testosteroned up from it that we couldn't even speak to each
other until the feeding frenzy was over and I'm sure that we would have bludgeoned one another were one of us to try and steal the other one's food during the meal. I've never eaten raw meat in front of any of my girlfriends as they would probably be grossed out from it, and I want to stop eating meat totally.
I just crave it all of the time even when I'm full.
I think that I'll cut out the fruit except the apples as I can live without the rest. I just have to learn to be a better cook because I suck at it.
No wonder I like raw stuff? :)