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pepe: maybe there are some clues in these references?

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pepe: maybe there are some clues in these references?

I'd think that is is because of the types of enzymes and processes needed for each type of food to be digested? Fruits contain more sugar, so glyclolysis is triggered, whereas veggies might engage a different process altogether.

I'd search on "food combining" - I beleieve there plenty of posts on that.

some links here:

And Dr. Kelley's lecture where he describes the digestion process has references as well. Maybe a starting point?


"What do we do in our society? We go out and we eat a salad and we eat it first at the meal. That tells the stomach and the hydrochloric acid function to turn off. So turn off. So we don't need that, we're having salad today. Or we’re having fruit and we really need hydrochloric acid particularly for that, right now. So it turns it off. You need the hydrochloric acid mostly for meat and for the protein's. We eat things backwards in our society. We should, when we go to the restaurant, and they serve you a salad, set it aside and slap the waiter's hand if he takes it away before he serve's you, and then eat it after you eat the meat. Then eat your vegetables and stuff, which would be the ideal way. Then you eat the meat first, why? It turn's on your hydrochloric acid. "


Anreas Moritz site has many references on juicing as well, perhaps you can serach there too?.

Here's another reference and link:

"it is better not to mix fruits and vegetables at the same meal. The reason for this advice is based on their respective digestive times. If the stomach contains a mixture of fruits and vegetables, the fruits have to be kept around longer than is optimal in order for the vegetable digestion to arrive at the same stage that the fruits arrived at earlier. Again, this delayed digestion is potentially complicated by fermentation and chemical change of the fruit sugars that are delayed from absorption and use by the body while it is waiting for the rest of the batch of vegetables to process. Fruits, being softer and containing a lot of water, are more easily and quickly digested. In contrast, vegetables have less water, less natural sugars and more fiber than fruits, thus having a longer digestive time. The time needed between meals to ensure the stomach is ready for the next meal is usually about 5 hours."


Post your findings, I am guilty of mixing fruits and veggies. One thing is certain: I always add garlic and ginger to my mix.

Keep on juicing!

MadArt (ist)



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