We know (I assume you know this) it is associated w Candida. You probably know the relationship between Candida and parasites. And then bacteria. We refer to a zoo - it's more a jungle when you think about it. I have had this same question remain unresolved for probably four months now. All along I considered it related to thrush/Candida. Now I wonder what more might be to it. We know of ways of controlling it/reducing it. But that's still just a band-aid. And it's too wierd that certain people w Candida overgrowth have it while others don't. Certain "Candida" people have worms, heavy metal issues- while some don't.
I'd like to see what responses come in. Shroom should have interested observations, and I hope Newport puts in his 1/2 cents worth. : ) Give it up guys. Who cares who's right.
Everyone's thoughts and observations are valid and desired.