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Surgery, Gerson, oleander and other considerations for tumor recurrence

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Tony Isaacs Views: 3,225
Published: 18 y
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Surgery, Gerson, oleander and other considerations for tumor recurrence

I understand your concern about having an aggressive tumor - and the normal first inclination is to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, it has been demonstrated time and again that surgery often actually helps a cancer spread and, in any case, does virtually nothing to address the underlying problems that led to cancer defeating your immune system and gaining a foothold to begin with.

After I first posted this, it dawned on me that I did not make the most pertinent comment that was in my mind: Since your original cesium chloride treatment worked and the tumor returned only after you admittedly slacked off, why not return to that treatment, and perhaps add a few proven anti-cancer measures in too? The suggestions to use the Gerson protocol are good ones. Fresh raw organic vegetables and fruit, plus iodine, and Liver Cleanses are all good elements to have in an anti-cancer protocol.

I would go even further and suggest you look at my post here on "Modern Medicine versus Nature in Treating Cancer".

In the instance of lung cancer, I might mention that my 84 year old uncle had lung cancer he was assured could be ridden by his oncologist, but it continued to grow and spread. He changed to a healthier lifestyle AND took an Oleander extract in both the patented medicine form, Anvirzel, and the home remedy "oleander soup", which I have researched and written about. His tumor continues to shrink and his CT scans show no evidence now of spreading.

The person who first devised the "oleander soup" home remedy from the original patent for Anvirzel, used it to successfully rid his elderly mother of both lung and liver cancer after traditional medicine had failed, and there are many success stories of people with lung cancer who have used oleander. Perhaps the best form of Oleander is the South African supplement OPC, which now contains 80% Oleander extract and 20% sutherlandia frutescans, the South African "cancer bush" if you obtain it directly from the South African patent holder and cancer researcher (and he charges only a fraction of the cost of the only two commercial sources I am aware of).

Another good supplement to include with the OPC herbal cancer cure would be Cat's Claw. As with any supplement, make sure that you are obtaining it from a reliable and reputable source: there are a lot of adulterated and bogus supplements being passed off these days. Perhaps the most ethical source I know of for Cat's Claw and other rain forest botanicals is Dr. Leslie Taylor's Rain-tree Nutrition site ( For those of you who have never visited this wonderful site, I urge you to do so - it is a marvelous website, one of my very favorites, with stories and photos about the rain forest and much more. The plant database is the best I have found anywhere.

Although I highly recommend the OPC herbal cancer cure supplement as my favorite cancer fighter, I am not trying to sell it here. Instead, I mention and promote it because I think that it, or the home remedy "oleander soup", is the single most effective supplement on the planet. If you would like his email address of the patent holder, send me a private email to

PLEASE NOTE: Raw oleander is extremely toxic and no one should attempt to make their own oleander remedy according to exact instructions and using care in all steps of handling and preparation. The directions for making "oleander soup" are freely posted online at the International Wellness Directory (, in the Yahoo health group I moderate "oleandersoup", and are included in the book I wrote, "Cancer's Natural Enemy".

Live long, live healthy, live happy!

Tony Isaacs



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