Thank you all for replying. I am getting more inclined towards the attempt at a complete surgical removal (or as complete as can be accomplished). Plus that gives me one more month of paid freedom, of course I can't count this time things will be as easy as the 1st one around. Thanks, Dave, for being the first to respond, I'll definitely email you. I've been recently looking over my life trying to figure out what is it that I value most in it and wouldn't consider it to be a waste of effort on my death bed. And I came to a conclusion that it would be - relationships with people. That has a lasting value whereas anything else seems to be just passing. And of course - with God, but that goes without saying. This website has been a huge inspiration to me and continues to be so. It's very important not to feel alone in this struggle, and definitely important to share the info on what works and what doesn't. Lots of people are betting their lives on the stuff they learn about on this forum. I know I have.