18 y
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Re: childhood beatings
I think some times families like to be in denial, especially when it comes to abuse. I cracked when I was 15 and ran a way from home. I didn’t talk to my dad, step mom, or my little brothers and sister for 8 years after that. I was 23 when we finally saw each other again. They were surprised that I had made a good life for myself. I know they truly believed that I was messed up/ mentally imbalanced and that’s why I ran away, but the truth is, I left because I suddenly saw how sad the path of my life would be if I were to become what they thought I was- if I kept on letting them tell me who I was.
It has been 5 years since I have been back in contact with my family, my parents have never asked me why I left, and they have never acknowledged the abuse I suffered by my dad, but they have changed -they are better parents to my younger brothers and sister.
It is kind of lonely to have a back ground of abuse. Even my closest friends seem to marginalize it. Maybe they don’t know what to say- maybe they don’t believe me. I use to wish that he had left permanent scars on my body so everyone could see- so that I had proof of what had happened to me. I don’t feel that way so much any more. Being an abused runaway is not a big part of my identity now, but sometimes I still cry when I think about.
I’m guessing you and I are close in age. I’m glad you shared your story.
I believe in happy endings- lots o love-Kat